How We Innovate
The professionals at The Center create unique programs and then develop the most promising ones into best practice models. We aim to set an industry-standard in domestic abuse and sexual assault.
Programs are designed by leading experts using a “Theory of Change” model. Before wide adoption, we conduct a pilot. Curriculums are peer-reviewed by national experts.
The Center is one of the few agencies nationwide, that uses data science to create programs and treatment pathways. First, we invest in research and development. Each program has defined outcomes, or success indicators built-in. Then, we consistently evaluate, using data analytics software, to ensure the intended impact is met. Our chief technology officer oversees this defining aspect of our program.
These innovative curriculums and treatment models are designed to be adopted by similarly focused agencies. On a more personal level, The Center provides support to every family member caught up in the web of family violence. We continuously assess and monitor individual client progress toward goals. Most assessments are created in-house and are always based on science.

Examples of Our Services
Second Generation Program
- Desired outcome to reduce the PTSD levels of children exposed to family violence
- $60,000 investment in Research & Development
- Curriculum development took two years
- Peer-reviewed by child trauma experts from across the country
- Pilot project launched
- Measured outcomes at 30, 60, 90-day intervals
- Assessments conducted six months post-graduation and one year post-graduation to determine if outcomes were sustainable.
TEACH Program
Goal: Reduce peer abuse on campus
- Saturation model – a large number of engagements
- Every student on the campus received 26, 45-minute sessions over four years
- Component for faculty, staff, yard personnel, and bus drivers
- Parent Education component
Changing a school culture takes several years and requires consistency across the campus with all populations involved. Anything less can’t’ be considered a prevention program, rather it qualifies as an education/awareness program.
TEACH is recognized throughout California as one of the most effective peer abuse prevention programs for middle school students.